Saturday, June 26, 2010

Mi Dispiace. Io Non Sono Perfetto.

I wish i knew how to start this one off.
I"m not even sure what to say.
I"m so angry i could cry.
Maybe not cry but i sure do think it's time for me and Cache to go and sit on a roof and scream until we pass out.

Let me get a few thing straight here. Yeah, i liked a guy a lot. It didn't work out. I'm working on getting over it. I started liking this guy Andrew again. So for the past two months or so, we have been talking a lot. I told him one day about how I want to get married in the temple and he isn't LDS so i explained to him what that meant. All of a sudden he got really mad because i said i wanted to marry someone LDS so i could go to the temple. So after that stupid fight i told him to just leave me alone. Well, he didn't. He would call and apologize, and then a few days later he would blow up on me again about the whole temple thing. So finally i just said i was done and didn't want to deal with this any more. So i deleted his number and stopped caring. But he kept texting me things that really hurt me. It was already bad enough that i was almost over someone else but now this. What a jerk!

So for the past month and a half i've been trying to avoid him and fix things up and be friends with the other boy Dallin that i had to get over. But i found out today that he thinks all my posts on facebook have been about him. Awesome. So i'm here to say this now. No they were not about you. I don't talk bad about you so i guess it's true what they say about assuming. Andrew...goll. Go take a flying leap. I'm sorry i care about my religion enough that i have standards. Perché regna lo stupido?! Doesn't help that people have to get involved too. Don't get me wrong i love my friends. But please ask me before you butt in. I have had to deal with so much crap because Andrew's friends have decided to text me and make fun of me and make me feel terrible. Awesome. And I actually haven't told anyone about the Andrew situation because i knew people would get involved. So i'm saying this now. Do not get involved. It'll get fixed all on its own. I'm done being frustrated with these two people because apparently i cannot please everyone.

I'm going to girls camp on Monday. I wasn't excited about it at all but now i cannot wait to get away. Holy flip. So i'm sorry if you think i'm a terrible person. Or a crazy person. Or just some stupid girl who needs to get a brain. Yeah, no ones perfect so stop acting so high and mighty and making me feel bad for believing in something. I know what i want in life. So i'm going to work for it. Who cares what i feel for people any more. I'm ignoring it. If everyone could just be civil to each other that would be great. I"m trying to mend and keep the peace. But heck, i guess i'm just not good enough for you guys. So say your crap to my face. Don't go behind my back. And cut me some slack. This hasn't been the easiest couple of months for me. My friends have died. I'm struggling with seizures. I'd like to see you deal with that.And Im growing up and moving on in my life and im scared. So pardon me.

So here it is people. Mi dispiace. Io non sono perfetto. I'm sorry. I'm not perfect. Deal with it. Because im sure as heck trying to.

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