Sunday, May 2, 2010

How You Doin'?

I was sitting with my friend the other night and we started listing all of our favorite pickup lines. Later, I found a group on facebook called "I love Mormon pickup lines". Here are some of our favorite from the group and from the list we made our selves.
The ones with the ** are my FAVORITE ones and made me laugh so hard i cried.

Do you know what it's like to hold the priesthood?...Do you want to? (hug) **

You remind me of the fruit in Lehi's dream. Most precious above all!

Haven't we met in the pre-existence?

You don't sweat much for a Utah girl. **

So, what are you doing for the rest of eternity?

Dearest Darling...after much deliberation, and significant consideration, I have half the inclination to make you my relation. So if you'll meet me at the station, with the bishop's cooperation, we will form a combination that will increase the population.

Last night I was looking at the stars, and for every one I saw I thought of something that I love about you... but soon I ran out of stars.

If you were words on a page, you would be what they call FINE PRINT!

I knew i'd feel the spirit at EFY, but i didn't think i'd see an angel!

Can I see your tag? Oh, I thought so...made in heaven **

Were you eating lucky charms this morning? cause you look magically delicious

Do you have a boyfriend?
Oh, you do? Well, when you want a MANfriend, come talk to me!

So did you hear about Pluto? Yeah, thats messed up.. -- Pysch **

Hey i lost my teddy bear can i cuddle with you instead?

I think i've seen your picture before. oh that's right, it was in the the dictionary next to KABLAM! --Fresh Princh of Bel-Aire **

What's ur favorite temple? I'm lookin' at mine

--My all time favorite...


1 comment:

Clestial said...

.. you're so rad.
Plus, BONUS POINTS for mentioning Psych in a post.